Carter Taylor Seaton

Carter Taylor Seaton wrote four novels: Father’s Troubles; amo, amas, amat … an unconventional love story; The Other Morgans; and Guilt, as well as numerous magazine articles, and several essays and short stories. Her non-fiction works include Hippie Homesteaders, The Rebel in the Red Jeep, Me and Mary Ann, and We Were Legends In Our Own Minds.

She held a Tamarack Foundation Fellowship Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Arts and the West Virginia Library Association honored her with the 2014 WVLA Literary Merit Award. In 2015, Marshall University’s College of Liberal Arts honored her with an Alumni Award of Distinction. In 2016 she received the Governor’s Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Arts.

She graduated from Marshall University in 1982 with a Regent’s degree in English and Business, and worked as a marketing professional in West Virginia and Georgia for over thirty years. She was also a practicing ceramic sculptor.