R. R. Davis

R. R. Davis grew up in a small town in northeast Ohio where he spent his childhood climbing trees and getting lost in his imagination. He went on to earn his BFA in drawing and MAT in Early Childhood Education. As a curious and restless young man, Robert followed the wind and moved throughout the country to work a variety of jobs, including environmental educator, art teacher, clown, starving artist, storyteller, backpack/canoe guide, and countless temporary jobs to satisfy his lust for life. After spending three years in the Caribbean, he eventually settled in western North Carolina with his wife, and Frieda the cat. Robert is now working with dementia patients, slipping off to coffee houses to pound away at his computer keyboard, baking banana bread to send to his daughter in college, and continuing to create artwork. ​

Robert began writing as a result of encouragement from various college professors’ off-hand remarks concerning his out-of-the-box approach to essays, which mirrored his approach to life. Robert’s debut full length novel, The Various Stages of a Garden Well-Kept, was inspired by the tragic life of his Greek immigrant grandmother.