October (almost!)

November, where did you come from?! First thing’s first, we would like to once again thank all of those who have pre-ordered Tuscawilla: Stories of a Farm for their patience. The printing landscape has never been so backlogged, and as a small press we sadly don’t get prioritised for any front-of-the-queue treatment. Scandalous, we know! Rest assured that the book is with the UK and US printers, and it should reach you in November.

Haven’t pre-ordered? Well, if you’ve not started your Christmas shopping yet, this one would make an excellent stocking-filler

One book that very much HAS made it back from the printer is the Blackwater Press Short Story Collection 2021! This collection of ten wonderful stories, based on the theme of the Blackwater Bird, features tales from writers all over the world who submitted to our short story competition. Thank you also to those who entered our cover contest for this book; your designs had us spoilt for choice. So, whether you’re a bird-lover or simply a fan of great stories, this is the one for you.

Looks pretty, doesn’t it? And we’re not resting on our laurels. So happy were we with the success of this competition that we see no reason to delay the next one. Stay tuned for full details of submission dates and prizes, but in the meantime we are going to hold a vote for what our second collection’s theme should be. Our team have come up with three options that we hope will inspire more great fiction:




People will be able to vote via our social channels (Facebook/Instagram/Twitter), so follow us on there to have your say next week. For anyone who doesn’t have access to these, feel free to reply to this email and we’ll be sure to add your vote. Exciting!

Finally, it’s that time of year again for students, with exams and deadlines coming thick and fast. To ease the load, we are offering a 20% discount on our editorial services for all current students, to help with any formatting and proofing needs. A fresh pair of eyes can make all the difference. Head here for more information.

Have a lovely week!

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