Pre-orders Galore!

We know our latest news has been quite unsettling, and I’m sure it has given our gentle readers much food for thought. 

But the show must go on…and what better way to celebrate the future of the publishing world than a bunch of exciting new books available for pre-order? 

First up, The Three Lives of St Ciarán, by Spanish queer fiction author Inés G. Labarta. 

This book, my friends, is not for the faint-hearted. An experimental tripartite narration that delves deep into three very different dystopian scenarios, and dramatically different writing styles – from modern to epic to future – to bring to life three different versions of Saint Ciarán, to restore hope, faith, and brightness for humankind. 

Next we have Loveland: a Memoir of Romance and Fiction, by Susan Ostrov. Do not be fooled by the title: do we look like the kind of press that publishes the book equivalent of candyfloss? We thought not. Blackwater candyfloss will always come fortified with nourishing substance. The backbone of this memoir is literature: the books we read shape our reality, and the author relates her personal romantic experiences to her perceptions of her reads, and their critical apparatus, discovering her true self relationship after relationship. And book after book. 

Finally, Burying Norma Jeane, by Leah Rogin. An on-the-road story that combines a deep understanding of the life and filmography of Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jeane), with a mother-daughter relationship under the timeless strains of the approach of the teenage phase that takes them both by surprise. All three women navigate the challenges of femininity, to a cathartic, liberating end. 

Which will be your next read? 


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