The Stone Maidens

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by Ioulia Kolovou

Publication date: 17th of October 2022

For years, the best that young girls from the backwater village of Alta Gracia could hope for was a position in the Big House, home of the immensely powerful and politically influential Goyena family. So, when Señorita Delia Lugghi – enigmatic teacher and devout Perónist – arrives from Buenos Aires to found a state school in the village, the future of Milagros Riquelme suddenly seems to be full of possibilities.

But change rarely does come easily. Inspired by true events, this story charts a life of tragedy, love, and missed opportunity, as Milagros goes from girlhood to old age. all the while being forced to navigate the violent landscape of Argentina in the mid-twentieth century.

Kolovou has written a novel full of grace, humour and loss. In “The Stone Maidens” the political is personal, the personal is historic, and the storytelling moves with ease…a beautiful book”
Elizabeth Reeder

Starting quietly as a coming of age tale in rural Patagonia, over six decades Stone Maidens builds towards shocking events in Argentina’s Dirty War. This is a mastery of spare – yet sweeping – storytelling. This will remain with you.
Anne Pettigrew

Fabulous writing, intriguing story.

Emma Fraser, author of When the Dawn Breaks and Greyfriars House