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Words change the world. We live in an increasingly small global community, where the English medium is the lingua franca and international communication is key. To overcome language barriers, Blackwater Press now offers translation services.
To date, our translation services include:
Whether you have an article you would like to publish in an English-speaking journal, or an advertisement which you feel would sell globally, or a novel you would like to internationalize, no piece of writing is too small or too long for us. If, however, a text is submitted to us which we feel is outside our jurisdiction then we will not hesitate to recommend an alternative service. This would be the case if a text was deeply scientific and demanded a thorough understanding of the subject matter to translate it properly.
A page, in translation services, comprises of 1500 characters (with spaces).
Works longer than 50 pages will be priced on a flat rate basis, and will require prior evaluation by the translator. A 20 percent surcharge on the overall total will be applied if the author asks for express delivery of the project, to fit to any tight deadlines.
Get in touch with your needs and your translator will be in touch!